Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tool #11: Technology ToolBox

My favorites tools are Animoto, Blogger, Bookr, Cover It Live, DropBox,Glogster, Google Docs, TodaysMeet, and Poll Everywhere. I can use Poll Everywhere to ask a quick opinion from my students on some particular topics such as product choices or what topics they like to do online.  TodaysMeet is a quick way to set up math discussion among students in class or with collaborative with another math class.

The Tools and Ipads are given me more choices when come to plan effective math lessons so learning will take place.  I'm very curious and inquisitive on what I can do to help students see the beauty of mathematics and purposes in their learning.  If the tools are helping students to learn and see things in a different perspectives then I need to change my teaching strategies.  In other words, if changes are to increase learning and help students best use of their talents then I have no problem changing my teaching habits.  In addition, I still like students to learn  to build their own math labs the old fashion ways so they can build on their conceptual knowledge.  They need to see and be able to do both ways...

Due to my busy working schedule I feel a little behind when come to know about technology in comparisons with my students.  I do not own a blog, facebook, my space, or twitter account before doing the 11 tools.   My many thanks and appreciations to all the people who are willing to sacrifice their time sharing their tutorial videos on youtube and google.  I don't really have any trouble or difficulty try to learn on how to use the tools.  Time has been well spending and I learn so much during the last couple days. 

"I'm still learning...."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tool #10: Digital Citizens

Students need to be responsible for their actions/words.  What they type/do on the Internet may not be erase and it can leads them into trouble such as cyber bullying and harassment.  Therefore, it is important for them to be thoughtful and be careful on what they like to share online.  The main purposes to use the Ipads are to gain knowledge and increase creativity in their learning.  Students needs to see examples of how people use the internet to hurt one another or put someone into dangerous situations.  Before letting students play with the Ipads or use the computer lab, I like students and parents to sign classroom contracts on how students need to follow the district guidelines and classroom rules.    If parents are  being aware of how students should behave while they are online and in the classroom, there may be less time spending class time correcting the negative or unwanted behavior.  For more teaching tips, guidelines, and ideas please visit the website below:


Tool #9: Technology

Nowadays most students tend to use technology devices to communicate, create works , or play games  online.  Students tend to do good at something they are so familiar with or especially somethings they use to spend a large amount of their time doing....  All the motions of the colorful images are motivations to encourage students to be creative in their learning. The Internet is a rich resource for students to gain knowledge and become a well rounded person. Technology is a useful way  to increase active students' participation in the classrooms.

We should hold students accountable for the stations/centers because we do not want them to waste their precious learning time.  We don't want students to violate the district guidelines or rules while they are online.  Most importantly, we don't want students to learn something inappropriate on the Internet.

A few of my favorites mathematics websites:




Students can use these interactive websites to review old concepts or check their math solutions while they are in groups.  I will set time limit while they are working in stations.  The goal is to make sure students will maximize their learning time in class.

I don't have wifi-wireless Internet at home so I have not spend a long time learning about all the apps for the I-pads.  Using the devices students can use tools to create mathematical products online such as videos, posters, books, and presentations online.  I probably will offer product choices for my math students at each stations.

Students can use I pads to create or play math games such as jeopardy online. 

Tool # 8: Things I learned

Students will share ipads during group work.  The devices are great tools for students to share ideas, play math games, or do project activities online. Students can use Ipads to investigate or research about the history of mathematics or even learn about great mathematicians.

Similarly to collecting the calculators.  It is worth to lose at most ten minutes of class time to collect all the I-pads and calculators to make sure they all are in good conditions.  I should put a time limit on how long the students will spend time on I-Pads while doing researches, games, or projects.  I should model and set positive expectations on how I like students will be behaving while they are online or using Ipads.  It is necessary to explain *why* students have to follow the rules or guidelines.

Tool #7 : Collaborative Project

a) Content Objective: Students will write quadratic functions and models by sharing their datas and graphs with another Algebra II class.

b) When you plan to implement: Fall 2012

c) Tools: Google docs: document, form, spreadsheet, and presentation.

d) Project: Students will use compass, pennies, rulers and graphing calculators to investigate quadratic relationships.  They will use the quadratic repression  feature on their graphing calculators to find a quadratic model for the data (both handwork and calculator work.).  They then share and compare their findings with another algebra II class.

Source:  McDougal Littell Algebra 2 Book

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tool #6: Cover it Live

A great way to reach out to all the math students from around the world.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tool # 6 : Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere:  a great way to encourage active students' participation by asking them to use either a cell phone, lap top, or ipad to answer a math question.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tool #5: Glogster

Students can create a web poster using Glogster.  It is useful when they have to present solutions for real life apllications math problems.  For their benefits I like them to be able to do both either electronic or hard copy posters.

Tool #5 :Bookr

A great way for students to organize and learn new mathematical terms.  I'm not sure if Bookr can find all the pictures/images that can match with all the new words.  Students can also use Bookr to create and solve real life math problems.

Tool #4: Writing Assignment in Google Docs

I share a math writing assignment with my algebra II team members in Google Docs.  The tools allow team members and students to  comments, share ideas, and edit lesson plans, activities, projects, and games....Students can send their work for me to edit or get help from others if they have trouble doing math work at home.  They can even send me their group projects,  homework,  or writings from home.  Homebound students can use Google Docs to send me their work electronically. I can be able to fix their mistakes, explain, and help them when they have trouble solving math problems without worry about the distance.

Name: _________________

Date: ____________________                                              Writing Assignment

Period: ______________________

1)      List all the words or phrases you would use to describe mathematics to a friend. (5-7 minutes)

2)      Imagine yourself doing or using mathematics either in or out of school: list all the feelings that come to mind. (5-7 minutes)

     3)      List all the objects (nouns, things) that you think math is like (5-7 minutes)

    4) Read over your three lists carefully.  From the third list, choose the words that best describe what math is most like for you.  Finish this sentence: “For me, math is most like a (n) _______”Explain your choice fully in paragraphs. Be creative!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tool #3: Embedding Video

Solving equations are essential skills that students must master in order to be successful in Algebra.  With a lot of practice, patient, and time spends on how to manipulate a variable on one side students will feel confidence when they have to solve equations. It will also helps students solve real life applications problems.

A diffent way on how to factor trinomials beside the grouping method.   Students tend to struggle and forget on how to factor trinomials.

*Thanks for the easy directions provided from the district. It is clear and easy on how to embedding video into blog.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tool #2

I post comments on Ms. A. Nguyen and Mr. Bertram blogs.  I visit at least five other blogs.  Reading blog is not a new experience for me...

Writing blog helps people learn and discuss from one another without worry about the distance. Reading other people's thoughts, ideas, and knowledge help me improve myself as an individual.  I feel a little bit uncomfortable knowing there will be a wide range of people who will be reading my blog.  However, the risk is little compare to all the great things that I'm going to learn....

I probably will sign up for a face book account or any blog that relates to mathematics education.