Monday, July 16, 2012

Tool #9: Technology

Nowadays most students tend to use technology devices to communicate, create works , or play games  online.  Students tend to do good at something they are so familiar with or especially somethings they use to spend a large amount of their time doing....  All the motions of the colorful images are motivations to encourage students to be creative in their learning. The Internet is a rich resource for students to gain knowledge and become a well rounded person. Technology is a useful way  to increase active students' participation in the classrooms.

We should hold students accountable for the stations/centers because we do not want them to waste their precious learning time.  We don't want students to violate the district guidelines or rules while they are online.  Most importantly, we don't want students to learn something inappropriate on the Internet.

A few of my favorites mathematics websites:

Students can use these interactive websites to review old concepts or check their math solutions while they are in groups.  I will set time limit while they are working in stations.  The goal is to make sure students will maximize their learning time in class.

I don't have wifi-wireless Internet at home so I have not spend a long time learning about all the apps for the I-pads.  Using the devices students can use tools to create mathematical products online such as videos, posters, books, and presentations online.  I probably will offer product choices for my math students at each stations.

Students can use I pads to create or play math games such as jeopardy online. 

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